Once you create an account with us we will provide you a unique shipping address identifier so that your items are easily identified upon arrival in our warehouse.
In order for us to create shipments and print shipping labels on your behalf, we will need a sub-account on your Amazon Seller account that has Manage FBA Inventory and Shipments privileges. We do not see any financial data with this account. This allows us to access your shipping plan so that we can print out your FNSKU labels, update your plan, and print out your UPS / LTL labels in order to send your shipment into Amazon. This needs to be done only once.
Here are the instructions:
Option 1: We prefer this option only with our forwarding service required clients. Log into your Amazon Seller Central Account and create an abbreviated Shipping Plan for your next shipment. Just list the products and the quantities, then stop. Amazon will automatically save your work. Do Not approve the shipments. Please be sure to use the Rename function in the upper left hand corner on the first page of the shipping plan. Replace the PLN prefix with a name that will help us identify the correct shipment [e.g., Change PLN (27/4/19 14:24 PM) to Shoes supplies order (27/4/19 12:24PM)]. This will ensure we know the correct order to work on.
Option 2: You may just ship your products to us and you do not need to do anything further. We will handle the shipments and creation of FNSKU's from the Amazon sub account that you gave us access to.
Please log in to our inventory management portal to fill the details for upcoming shipment to us. Then, All you need to do is ship your products to us with the address as follows:
- 95 Industrial St East
- [ Your Account Number]
- Clifton, NJ 07012
Now we are ready to pack your items. Our team handles the FBA Shipment creation process on your behalf including printing FNSKU labels, uploading box content info, and arranging shipping (using Amazon partnered-carriers). If there are any issues, our team will reach out to you directly for guidance. Generally within 24 hours of delivery, your shipment will be completely processed and shipped off. You'll receive an email from us with the itemized invoice that details your processed items.